Exotic, Rex
3-7.2 kg
22.8-28 cm
10-15 years
If you want to become a pet parent, be warned that you will probably fall in love immediately with the Selkirk Rex. As far as cat breeds go, you get unique and special at the same time with this one.
While the Selkirk Rex has everything to become the next big Instagram influencer, unlike with your kids, you won’t have to deal with constant selfies.
Selkirks are a natural breed but never existed in the wild. Due to their incredible floof appeal, it’s difficult to believe that the Selkirk Rex breed was actually a freak of nature. They’re also one of the youngest breeds of cats, only 30 years old.
As the story goes, way back in 1987, in an animal shelter in the state of Montana, USA, was an unnamed feral cat (a calico). The calico gave birth, and one kitten had an unusual curly coat—especially given the breed of the mother cat.
The kitten’s curly coat turned out to be a godsend. When it was noticed by a Persian cat breeder named Jeri Newman, she adopted it. Newman named the cat Miss DePesto of Noface.
Newman bred Miss Depesto with another cat which she named Photo Finish of Deekay, and that litter produced three curly-coated kittens.
That was the Me-OW moment in which Jeri Newman claimed that she discovered a new breed of fluffy kitty. Which now meant Newman also claimed the right to name the breed.
For someone as creative with names as Newman was, this should have been the chance of a lifetime. Think about it. The cat looks like a teddy bear wearing sheep’s clothing. Instead, she went traditional and named the breed after her stepfather, Selkirk.
The Selkirk Rex is the only cat breed named after a person. And all Selkirk Rex cats can be traced back to Miss DePesto of Noface from Montana.
The Rex breed is one of the most unique cat breeds. All Rex cats have curly coats due to a genetic issue. The very interesting thing about Rex cats is that the genetic issue is different with each breed. And very unique with the Selkirk Rex.
Other Rex cats, Cornish Rex and Devon Rex, have curly coats as a result of a recessive gene. But, the wavy coats of the Selkirk Rex come from a dominant gene. Nevertheless, its genetically induced curly-haired coat made it a new member of the Rex breed.
Along with their coats, the Selkirk Rex has curly whiskers. The muscular body and build of the Selkirk Rex are typically compared to the British Shorthair or Exotic Shorthair.
Selkirk Rexes are pedigreed cats and a recognised breed by the International Cat Association and Cat Fanciers Association.
These lovable fluff-balls are great additions to virtually any home. But specifically, they are best in:
The coat and coat length of the Selkirk Rex is its most distinctive trait. Unlike the other Rex breeds, which have a uniform coat length, the Selkirk Rex does not. It can be long or short, but it’s a dense, curly coat that makes them a Selkirk Rex.
Selkirk Rex can have any colour.
Selkirk Rex has no universal pattern.
The Selkirk Rex coat is not as high maintenance as it appears. The Selkirk Rex requires just the right amount of brushing, and that’s the trickiest part to figure out. Too much, and they will floof out into an infinite hairball of frizziness. Don’t brush enough; you’ll end up with a floof full of knotted and tangled cat hair.
Not all of the kitties are curly-haired; there’s some straight hair as well. So, Selkirk Rex owners need to find that ‘just purrfect’ brushing balance.
As far as shedding goes, these cats are moderate shedders. Also, it’s important to monitor their nails, teeth, and hair.
As far as cat breeds with amazing personalities, the Selkirk Rex hit the jackpot.
These kitties are not just curly-haired balls of fur; they love to be with people as well as with other pets and other animals. You need to keep an eye on them when outdoors. They are lovers, not hunters, but that can result in just as many unfortunate squirrel incidences.
They are:
These are cats that will get to know you as well as you know yourself. They will remember when it’s time to be on the sofa for your favourite show as well as your bedtime.
Their biggest need is a feline friend. They want and need to be around others, people or animals.
Their biggest thing is working on global domination. They love to perch as high as possible and look down upon the human race. So, get them a cat tree, and they may spare you to last.
These are active felines, so you need to give them some space and keep them engaged. Think of them as perpetual kittens that just don’t seem to grow up.
With that said, even though they are active, they do love to cuddle and have their own lap cat mood throughout the day. So don’t be surprised if they start remote working and making biscuits on your lap.
These are chirpy cats, especially when they are hungry. They do love to send little messages to you while they are hard at work making biscuits. They could be complaining about having to do all the work in the house, but the message gets lost in their fluffiness.
Average between:
22.8 and 28cm
Though males tend to be just a bit heavier than females, in general, the breed average is between:
3 and 7.2kgs
This is a medium to large size cat breed.
Due to their activity level, they love to interact and socialise and have a high degree of intelligence. These kitties are not only easy to train, but they will jump at the chance to learn things. You can train these kitties to respond to their names, walk on a leash, and even play fetch.
As these felines have a relatively short breed history and are a natural breed of cats, they don’t have any significant pet health issues. They are generally healthy cats. Any Selkirk Rex health issues to watch are:
These kitties have an average life expectancy and will live between 10 to 15 human years or until the kittie age of 57 to 77.
However, it is not uncommon for them to live 20 human years or until the fluffy age of 97.
These kitties don’t have any specific needs regarding food. Only it should be a well-balanced quality food that is appropriate for their age. Also, it should provide protein from a variety of sources and be low in carbohydrates.
As will all cats, obesity is always a possibility and a concern, so it’s best to feed them on a schedule. However, they should always have clean water readily available.
A great idea for this cat that combines their incredible intellect, need for fun, and feeding time is to create or purchase a food puzzle in which they need to figure out how to find the food. They love this, and it’s a great way to keep them mentally stimulated.
This is not an average breed that you are likely to find anywhere. However, even if you were to find a rescue, you should expect to pay around $250 at an animal shelter.
If you decide to buy a purebred Selkirk Rex kitten through a Selkirk Rex breeder, only deal with a reputable breeder. Expect to pay anywhere between $800 and $1500 for Selkirk Rex kittens.
Cats are generally considered to be the perfect addition to any home because most breeds are sociable and affectionate. This breed genuinely lives up to that reputation and image. This is a very loving feline and loves to cuddle and sit on laps. They will seek out attention and physical contact from their families and give it in return.
There is a common misunderstanding about the fur coat of this breed. Many people think that even though these kitties are medium to long hair, they still are hypoallergenic, at least to a degree. This is not correct. Allergies are the result of dander, not fur. And these kitties are like most other kitties; they are not hypoallergenic.
There are a couple of different elements of this breed that make it rare. Its prevalence is definitely categorised as rare. In addition to that, it is the only cat breed that is named after a specific person. Finally, the Rex breed of cat is rare in general. There are only three recognised breeds of Rex in existence.
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