Oriental, Semi-long Haired
3.5-5.4 kg
25-30 cm
8-12 years
The Javanese cat breed is a perfect companion to any pet lover with a short coat length and a highly social attitude.
What can you expect from this loveable breed, and how can you best care for your Javanese? Take a look below to find out everything you need to know about this distinct cat breed to care for your new furry friend perfectly!
Contrary to its name, the Javanese breed originated from North America. Its name is, in fact, a reference to the naming convention regularly associated with South-Asian cats such as Siamese cats and Balinese cat breeds.
The Javanese breed results from crossbreeding between a Colorpoint Shorthair, a cross between a Siamese and an American Shorthair, and a Balinese. This has produced an extremely affectionate Oriental cat breed that resembles a longer-haired Siamese!
The Javanese cat is a medium-sized cat breed with short hair length thanks to their Colorpoint Shorthair ancestry. They are a fairly muscular but slender cat breed and closely resemble a hairier Siamese – with deep piercing green or blue eyes!
Due to their active lifestyle, Javanese are best suited for energetic families or owners who love to play with their cats regularly. If you have a lot of time you can devote, then this energetic cat will quickly become your closest friend!
Javanese are also known for living highly social lives, so you can be sure that they will get along with young kids and other pets.
Their strong back legs offer them enough power to regularly jump to high ledges, which is perfect as these cats love to climb. Consider investing in a cat tree or similar perch as your Javanese is sure to leap to the highest perch in your home!
The Javanese breed closely resembles its Colorpoint Shorthair parent, with some similarities to the Siamese breed. It has a distinctive triangular head with pointy ears.
Perhaps one of the most distinctive features, in terms of appearance, is their dazzling eyes. The Cat Fancier’s Association tends to associate this breed with deep blue eye colour in terms of Cat Association Recognition.
Their American Shorthair parentage has led the Javanese to boast a short to medium-haired coat that comes in a dazzling display of colours.
As previously mentioned, the Javanese breed boasts a resplendent selection of coat colours. From a darker chocolate or even black coat to a bright cream and strawberry orange coat.
In terms of coat patterns, Javanese tend to come with a tabby or light shaded pattern. The most common appearance is a lilac cream pattern for lighter coats or a slightly tabby coat if they have a darker appearance.
Due to their relation to the American Shorthair and Siamese cat breed, this breed requires little in the way of grooming. Its short hair rarely sheds, which is perfect if you are worried about loose cat hair and potential allergies.
It will still require regular grooming, such as trimmed nails and good teeth brushing, but you don’t need to worry about a lengthy grooming process!
Like many oriental cats, the Javanese breed has an extremely caring temperament. They are less demanding than their parents but are known for being highly curious about any changes in their environment.
They do, however, love to receive attention. This sociable cat breed is sure to make an excellent companion for any young children, whether this is just a gentle stroke whilst they nap or constant playtime.
A large majority of Javanese are fairly laid-back, but they can still be extremely active and unpredictable. If you’re looking for an energetic breed that knows when it’s time to switch off, this is the breed for you!
Energetic cats tend to prosper in larger homes with a variety of toys to keep their attention, and the Javanese are no different. They will require somewhere to climb, especially if you don’t want them hopping up onto your bookcase or kitchen cabinet.
Aside from climbing poles, your Javaense’s needs should be similar to most domestic cat breeds. A scratching pole can be a great way to ensure their nails are constantly kept in shape and to keep your pet from scratching your furniture.
One of the main habits of the Javanese is their love of leaping and climbing onto higher surfaces. This means you should consider investing in cat trees so that your Javanese has access to its own special perch.
Javanese are highly active and love to play and receive attention from their owners. They will regularly climb onto shelves and look for new and exciting ways to play with their favourite toys and playthings.
A great way to ensure your Javanese gets the exercise it craves is to build an obstacle course in your home. Connect a few cat trees and provide your cat with a safe way to climb and stretch its legs in the safety of your home.
One of the defining features of the Javanese cat breed is its vocalness. They will regularly let their owners know that they are hungry or that they just want attention by vocalising through soft meows and purrs.
However, once they are settled down or just receiving the love they deserve, this vocal cat will quickly switch to a quiet but caring temperament. Thanks to its distinctive purr, it’s easy to know when your Oriental longhair breed is satisfied!
Much like Siamese cats, this slender cat can grow surprisingly tall. Expect a full-grown male Javanese to reach around 25 to 30cm tall.
An adult Javanese is a fairly average medium-sized cat when it comes to weight. Although they are skinny, they can be fairly muscular, especially when it comes to their powerful hind legs.
On average, a fully-grown Javanese male will weigh between 3.5 – 5.4kgs. The typical fully-grown female will generally weigh around 3 to 3.5kgs!
The Javanese breed is a medium-sized breed with a strong muscular body and tall, strong legs.
The Javanese breed is extremely social and highly intelligent, so they are sure to pick up on new things quickly. Training your Javanese to use a cat litter tray is thankfully pretty easy as they love to learn new things.
If you want to teach your Javanese new tricks, then be sure to offer them treats to help support your cat’s education!
Although they tend to live active lifestyles, Javanese can run into a few health issues due to their breed history. One of their ancestors is the Siamese cat, which is known for suffering from a few specific health issues, and this has sadly passed onto this breed.
They are prone to eye disorders, such as retinal atrophy, whilst patellar luxation can impact their legs.
At the end of the day, each cat is completely different, even if they come from the same breed. The best way to avoid potential health issues is to ensure your cat has access to a healthy diet and that you adopt your Javanese from a reputable breeder.
Much like their ancestry, the lifespan of this distinct breed is slightly less than your typical cat. An average Javanese is expected to live for anywhere between 8 and 12 years, with some living for up to 14 years.
As the Javanese are a fairly slender breed, they are extremely prone to overfeeding. This means that you will want to set up a fairly strict routine to avoid your energetic cat from eating more than its body can handle.
You will also want to try and avoid fatty foods as this is the best way to promote a healthy immune system for your pet. This breed isn’t particularly fussy, so that it will be happy with either a dry or wet diet; or even a mix!
When adopting a new cat, you will want to ensure that you are always adopting from a reputable breeder who can provide any information you may need. With this in mind, how much can you expect to pay for a Javanese?
This breed is reasonably rare due to its breeding history; this means you can expect to pay between $1,000 to $1,500 to adopt a Javanese.
The Javanese breed is generally known for its adventurous personality traits, especially when it comes to climbing. They love to leap up to high ledges and watch over their owners.
The Javanese breed of cats is known for being a cuddly cat that just loves to snuggle up with its owner and loved ones. Don’t be surprised if your Javanese regularly leaps up onto your lap when you’re sitting down!
When compared to similar breeds, Javanese shed less dander and cat hair than most. This means they are a great choice of breed if you suffer from allergies associated with cats.
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