4-5 kg
20-30 cm
12-14 years
Are you looking to adopt a little friend? Why not look into the Portuguese Podengo Pequeno?
This ancient dog breed might be the perfect companion for your household. The Portuguese Podengo Pequeno dog breed guide will give you the low down on these somewhat feisty, but cute little dogs.
The Portuguese Podengo is an ancient breed, its ancestors can be dated back to the ancient Romans, almost as far back as 600 B.C. The Pequeno was originally bred for hunting rabbits for the villagers.
Portuguese Podengo Pequenos were transported to the Americas on ships in the 15th century. Their purpose was to ensure the ships were rodent-free which kept the food stores safe.
In January 2011, the Portuguese Podengo Pequeno entered the American Kennel Club Miscellaneous class, followed by the Hound class shortly afterwards in January 2013.
The Portuguese Podengo Pequeno resembles American terriers such as the Jack Russell Terrier and Rat Terrier in appearance with similar white markings, yet it’s not a terrier whatsoever.
Also known as the Portuguese Warren Hound, the Pequeno Portuguese Podengo is the smallest of the three Portuguese Podengo breeds. These purebred pooches are small but friendly dogs to be around. Vigilant, active, and lively, they make fantastic companion dogs.
The alert and joyful small Portuguese Podengo Pequeno is a swift, athletic rabbit hunter of ancient heritage, classified as a hound. When outside, Pequenos like running and chasing, but they make lovely and polite companions.
The Pequeno is the smallest of the three Podengo dog breeds found in Portugal. The wedge-shaped head, with emotive almond-shaped eyes and pointed ears, is a distinguishing trait. The powerful body has a long back, a tapering and curled tail, and a coat that is either short and thick or coarse and wiry.
The Portuguese Podengo Pequeno is a pleasant breed that adapts to almost any environment more than other purebred dogs. These small dogs like pleasing their pet parents, which range from single people to huge families with children of all ages and make great family dogs.
Due to their size and disposition, these little dogs make excellent apartment pets for urban residents, but because of their activity levels, they prefer households with gardens, and a secure fence, in which they can play. They are suitable for many types of households, including individuals and families with children of various ages.
They fit particularly well with busy families with active children who want to interact with them and engage in their training routine because of their friendliness and fun attitude. They may not be suitable for the aged or those who lead primarily inactive lifestyles, as their activity requirements will most likely not be fulfilled.
They are pretty active and will yap from now and then. This is the breed for you if you want a fun and lively dog who will have you on your feet, protect you from any possible dangers, and love you completely!
These dogs have two coat types: smooth or rough and prickly. The smooth coat is short and thick, but the rough and prickly wire coat is longer and has more coarse dog hair. Because there is no undercoat, grooming is relatively simple. For these little pups, brushing them weekly will suffice.
Portuguese Podengo Pequenos dislike harsh weather because their coats are shorter. They prefer warm temperatures versus chilly conditions. Remember regular teeth brushing is a must for any dog.
They also have a propensity to bark excessively, and while they are seldom aggressive, they make a good watchdog. You may catch them barking at other pets.
The Portuguese Podengo is divided into three sizes: large (grande), medium (media), and small (Pequeno). You can anticipate a little dog from the Portuguese Podengo Pequeno. The majority of them weigh 4kg – 5kg and stand between 20cm – 30cm tall at the withers. However, some may be smaller or larger than others.
The Portuguese rabbit dog is a vivacious and perceptive small dog. They are fast learners, so instruction should be enjoyable and delivered in small doses. They like all forms of training and perform practically everything you request of them.
The most important aspect to consider when training this breed is to give them enough exercise, and positive affirmation training. Despite being a super-smart breed, the Portuguese Podengo can be a challenge to teach.
As a result, they’re a poor choice for first-time dog owners who don’t have any experience with dog training. Podengo training should start early on.
From the minute they enter their family, a new puppy must be shown their boundaries and the fundamentals of good dog behaviour. Their training sessions can begin fully once they have been completely immunised.
Recall instructions will require a lot of practice because the Podengo has a strong prey drive and may refuse to return when called if they see or hear something appealing, usually, other animals, when off the lead. Many Podengo owners have discovered that training classes are effective.
Podengos have a typically calm temperament, making them a suitable breed as a family pet for households with children more so than other dogs.
Part of the hound group, this breed is quick and vigilant, and it has an instinct to hunt. They’re bright, gregarious, and energetic dogs who flourish in the home if they’re kept busy, and they’re best suited to those who live an athletic, outdoor lifestyle and are great with other dogs.
However, if you’re a first-time novice dog owner, a Podengo might not be the right breed for you.
This breed must be properly trained and treated from the start or it will be tough to control. Due to their strong predatory instinct, they may wander even if well-trained. As a result, you should only pick one of these dogs if you have prior dog-training experience. This breed requires a lot of socialisation as well as proper training.
Regardless of size, the Portuguese Podengo Pequeno dog breed is susceptible to the same problems as the rest of the Portuguese Podengo breed groups. The majority of them are healthy dogs and have few health concerns. Regardless, make sure your pet receives proper care and visits to the veterinarian regularly.
The following are some of the more prevalent genetic health problems that Portuguese Podengo Pequenos face:
If you’re getting your Portuguese Podengo Pequeno from a breeder, find out if any of these problems have been seen in the past. The health conditions connected with Portuguese Podengo Pequenos are controllable but being conscientious in mitigating the impact of these disorders is vital.
This rare breed generally has a life span of 14 years. When given the appropriate diet and lifestyle without any health problems, their life span can be a bit longer.
The optimal food for a little breed with a lot of energy is needed in a Portuguese Podengo Pequeno diet. A puppy will put on too much weight if you overfeed them and don’t walk them, so stick to a feeding times schedule and don’t make food accessible during the day. Also, cap the number of snacks they receive.
The dietary demands of Portuguese Podengo Pequenos will alter from puppy to adult dog and will keep evolving into their senior years like they do with all dogs.
When buying a puppy from a Podengo breeder, Portuguese Podengo Pequenos normally cost between $1,000 and $2,000, but certain breeders may charge more based on where they are.
We always advocate looking into adoption first, so search online or check your local shelter for dogs in need of a permanent home.
Light, medium, or dark yellow and fawn coats are seen on Pequenos. Some will have a black or brown coat with some markings. Smooth and wiry coats are available for these dogs. The silky coat is short and thick, but the wiry coat is longer and coarser.
These are energetic dogs who can go hiking in the woods or swim at the beach for an entire day. They need mental stimulation as well as physical.
Unfortunately not. This breed sheds and aggravates people’s pet hair allergies.
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