German Shepherd Dog For Sale Melbourne

German Shepherd dogs or Alsatians are renowned working dogs that can do a good job of fitting into the family environment. If you're located in Melbourne, here are some contacts and tips that can help your search for the German Shepherd of your dreams.

The Safe & Responsible Way to buy German Shepherd puppies online In Melbourne

Handing over your hard-earned cash for a new pooch can be tricky, especially if you don't know what you're doing. A quick internet search for a German Shepherd dog in Australia will bring up a number of resources; some of these may be trustworthy, but the vast majority probably aren't, and this is why you must exercise caution with online searches.

Registered German Shepherd Dog Breeders in Melbourne

The first step to buying a German Shepherd dog is finding a reputable breeder. Only registered breeders are approved by Pets Online German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria, the ANKC, and Dogs Victoria.

  • Kyjhan GSD

Kyjhan looks to breed German Shepherd puppies that are loyal, loving, and intelligent with a strong temperament.

Melbourne South East Suburbs VIC
043 807 6841
  • Katellia German Shepherds

Katellia breeds high-quality German Shepherd puppies and also seeks to find forever homes for previously owned dogs.

Melbourne, VIC
043 233 1114
  • AugsrottK9pro

The litters at AugsrottK9 are painstakingly bred to be high-quality German Shepherds. According to their site, AugsrottK9 is considered one of the best breeders by Dogs Victoria.

Melbourne, VIC
041 090 1985
  • Regal Haus German Shepherds

Established in the early 1990s, Regal Hause has over 25 years of breeding experience. They specialise in breeding powerful working line German Shepherds.

Melbourne, VIC
0447 311 350
  • Von Zane Kennels

Von Zane was established in 1998 with the aim of breeding pups that can grow into reliable service dogs or make affectionate family pets.

Be sure to contact them to see if they have German Shepherd puppies available.

Melbourne, VIC
0431 490 112

Looking For A German Shepherd Dog Outside Of Melbourne?


How much does a German Shepherd cost in Melbourne?

A German Shepherd can cost you anywhere between $750 to $3000. This price can depend on how old and healthy the dog is and the overall quality of the pup. The general rule with dogs is that the purer the bloodline, the higher the price a dog can fetch.

What paperwork should come with a German Shepherd puppy in Melbourne?

When purchasing a German Shepherd puppy, it should come with as much information as possible. Documentation such as a pedigree, vaccination certificate, deworming records, and diet sheet should be readily available. Paperwork is a good way to verify the quality of a dog.

Is it safe to buy a German Shepherd puppy online?

The sad reality is that people will look to make a quick buck wherever they can, even if it means through a pet scam. Criminals can easily use a free website, such as Facebook, to create a listing for "quality German Shepherds", which don't exist. Regulating online activity and postings is near-impossible, so this is why buying online can be a risky enterprise.

How can I protect myself when buying a German Shepherd in Melbourne?

Firstly, it is always best to purchase a puppy from a registered breeder. Reputable breeders will keep quality dogs in suitable conditions and always have a source number. If possible, visit the breeder to survey the environment, ask them questions, and do not make any transactions until you're absolutely certain of the dog's quality. If a puppy is not vet checked, microchipped, or the seller cannot provide health certificates, then walk away from the deal.