Vizsla Breed Guide

  • Breed Group
    Breed Group


  • Breed Height

    53-60 cm

  • Breed Weight

    9-10 kg

  • Breed Lifespan

    10-14 years

About the Vizsla

Smart, friendly, loyal, and top-class athletes, Vizslas have a great love for the outdoors, using their boundless energy to run or hunt.

Read on to learn more about living with these friendly dogs and what makes them so special!

What is the history & origin of the Vizsla?

The Vizsla, also known as the Hungarian Vizsla or Hungarian Pointer, was documented as early as the 10th century in ancient artwork, as well as in 14th-century literature.

This unique breed is considered one of the world's oldest hunting dogs that were commonly bred to hunt hares, game birds and even falcons.

By the 19th century, the Vizsla was distinctly known as a point and retrieving dog, prized as the perfect hunting companion for their ability to trace a scent and work alongside their handler.

Did you know that in World War II, Vizslas were used for delivering important messages?

Today, this incredible breed is still known for its intelligence, work ethic, and scenting ability - being commonly used as guide dogs, drug detection dogs, as well as search and rescue dogs.

Who are Vizsla dogs best for?

Vizslas are the perfect match for an owner who enjoys the great outdoors and likes to get regular exercise - whether it's long walks, runs, hikes, swimming, or even hunting excursions.

If you're looking for a lazy 'couch potato' dog, the Vizsla won't be the right breed for you.

This active dog will do well on a farm or a large property that has lots of space for exploring and running around.

On the other hand, Vizslas can also be suitable for apartment living as long as you dedicate a lot of time to taking them on walks and runs to explore the neighbourhood.

These friendly, people-oriented dogs make for an awesome addition to the family, as they are very loving, caring, and just want to please. They get along especially well with kids.

How much grooming does a Vizsla need?

Another reason (of many) why people choose Vizslas over other dog breeds is that they don't require much grooming.

The Vizsla has a short, sleek, single-layered coat.

Do they shed?

Yes, so you'll need to keep up a regular brushing routine to keep those little red hairs from sticking to your clothes. A rubber grooming brush is very helpful for this.

You can also keep your four-legged friend clean by wiping them down with a damp cloth. A full bath is only really necessary if they've gone and rolled in the mud or something smelly.

Other important grooming requirements for Vizslas are to:

  • Trim their nails when needed

  • Check and clean their ears for dirt or wax build-up

  • Brush their teeth regularly

Do Vizsla bark much?

The Vizsla dog breed is known to be relatively vocal - communicating with barks, howls, grunts, and moans.

They are good watchdogs that won't hesitate to bark when they sense danger.

When it comes to strangers, Vizslas are friendly, well-socialized dogs.

On the other hand, excessive barking is usually a sign that the dog is bothered or poorly trained - which should be addressed as soon as possible.

Do Vizsla bite?

While it's normal for Vizslas to bite anything and everything while teething, this phase should stop around the 8 to 10 month mark. However, biting may continue if your puppy isn't trained well.

Here are some tips to teach your puppy that biting is not acceptable behaviour:

  • Say "NO" in a stern tone, followed by your Vizsla's name

  • Completely stop playing when your puppy bites you

  • Give your puppy a soft (not painful) but sharp tap on the nose when they begin to bite

  • Don't pull your hand back quickly when they bite, as this will only encourage them to continue (they can sense fear).

  • Try offering plenty of chew toys so your puppy can satisfy his need to chew without harming anyone.

What is the temperament & personality of a Vizsla?

Also known as the "Velcro Vizsla" or the "Versatile Vizsla", this breed's tendency to follow their owners around the house (yes, even to the bathroom) and demand love and attention is certainly apparent.

Even at bedtime, a Vizsla will always take the opportunity to lie on top of your feet or even next to you on your pillow if you allow it!

Besides being the most loving family pet, the Vizsla is an extremely intelligent dog and noticeably talkative - whining, moaning, or making other noises to grab your attention.

These active dogs need a lot of exercise to get rid of their boundless energy and to prevent them from getting bored - making them the perfect running and hiking partner too!

What is the weight & size of a Vizsla?

Typically, the Vizsla is a lightly-built, medium-sized dog, standing between 53-64 cm tall at the shoulder.

On average, they weigh around 18 to 29 kg, with females being smaller.

How much training does a Vizsla need?

Vizslas are relatively easy to train when using consistency and the right methods, starting from puppyhood.

They respond well to positive training techniques since they thrive off the attention they receive during training.

With that being said, Vizslas are also very smart, curious, and manipulative if good behaviour isn't enforced properly.

Early and ongoing socialisation with other dogs and people is essential for the sensitive Vizsla breed to ensure they have the confidence to enjoy a range of activities.

What are some of the most common health issues for a Vizsla?

If you take good care of your precious pooch, you shouldn't worry about health issues, but it's still good to be aware of the conditions this breed is prone to.

Some of the health problems that commonly occur in Vizslas include:

  • Hip dysplasia - a problem where the hip joints don't fit together properly

  • Entropion - painful, inward-turning eyelids

  • Seizures and epilepsy

  • Cancer

  • Autoimmune diseases - such as hypothyroidism

  • Hyperuricosuria (HUU) - a condition where stones form in the bladder

What is the lifespan of a Vizsla?

The Vizsla dog breed is generally healthy, with a high life expectancy.

The typical lifespan is around 12 to 15 years, which is pretty long in dog years!

How much should you feed a Vizsla?

As with all dog breeds, Vizslas thrive on high-quality food - whether it's home-prepared or commercially made.

It's important to consider the dog's age and individual nutritional requirements. For example, a young active Vizsla might require 4 or 5 cups of high-calorie foods daily, while an older, more sedentary dog may need only half of that quantity.

As a Vizsla owner, the best thing to do is consult with your vet. This will ensure that your furry friend lives a long, healthy life!

What is the price of a Vizsla in Australia?

On average, the price of a purebred Vizsla puppy from a reputable dog breeder will cost you between $1000 and $1800.

On the other hand, a top-quality pup from a specific bloodline can cost anywhere from $2500 and up!

Factors that cause price variations include their age, gender, pedigree, quality, and the breeder whom you purchase from.


  • Loves agility play
  • Works well with other dogs
  • Does very well in obedience


  • Can bark a lot
  • Easily distracted
  • Can be shy if not socialized